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Image de Ray Hennessy

I accompany you on the path to freedom and self-love in joy.

Let's explore together the paths to inner freedom through family constellations, the tao game, laughter yoga and sound healing, for a passionate adventure towards personal fulfilment.

Anne-Dominique Beeckmans - Thérapeute Overijse


Passionate about empowerment and the evolution of human consciousness, I facilitate family and systemic constellations, as well as individual coaching using a variety of tools. I also facilitate the Tao Game and laughter yoga group sessions. My career path reflects my deep commitment to well-being and personal fulfilment through a holistic approach.

Libérez-vous par des constellations familiales

Systemic & Family Constellations

Constellation is a powerful therapeutic technique that enables us to free ourselves from unconscious blockages.

Individual Sessions

My aim is to guide you on your own journey towards greater freedom and inner strength, in an atmosphere of kindness, gentleness and positivity.

Anne-Dominique Beeckmans présente le yoga du rire
Laughter Yoga (for events & at your company)

Let your contagious laughter burst forth and rediscover your joy of laughing. A real catalyst for creativity, it also enhances interpersonal skills.

Tao Game

It's a collaborative game in which each player pursues his or her own quest, and works together to ensure the success of each other's quest.

Soins sonores par Anne-Dominique Beeckmans
Sound Healing

Discover music, sound and vibration as subtle tools for restoring harmony in mind and body.

Initiatic Journeys

Each trip is a profound exploration of yourself and the world. Discover unique experiences that will awaken your senses and enrich your spirit.

My activities

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